Below is the Minimum and Recommended NBA system requirements pc. In fact, if you have a medium spec machine it will run just fine without any hiccups or lags. Thanks to the developers the game does not require a high-end gaming machine. Minimum & Recommended NBA 2k16 System Requirements In this article, we will be covering all the important information that you need to know about NBA 2k16 system requirements. If you are also planning to try the game the first thing that you should look for is the game system requirements. The intense fire of playing on the field drives the fans and gamers to play the game and maybe that’s why it is one of the top video games when it comes to the sports genre. The desire of being a basketball player and simulating self on the court among other players is surely an experience that can not be put into the words. NBA is a game that has made its place in people’s hearts, die-hard fans of basketball leave no chance of getting their hands on the NBA video game.